- 3-6 min video, filmed at Terminus Wake Park (including 2 wildcard clips max per person)
- Wildcard clips – Can be used from any location and/or filmed at a different time.
- Each team gets a 2hr private film session and can do one feature hack (hack idea requests are due one week after the draft).
- Team Effort: all members must appear in the video, including videographers & editors.
- Clean music so it can be shown live!
- All clips must be filmed between September 1 and October 15.
- Final video must be submitted by 10pm on October 15. Video should be uploaded to Youtube or Vimeo, and a private link emailed to chase@terminuswakepark.com
Videos will be judged on the following:
CREATIVITY/WOW FACTOR – [judged by Hunter Thane] This is where the film comes to life! We really want to see you get creative in your riding/filming/editing but also in your use of the team. Give us something unique and different!
VIDEO QUALITY – [judged by Rivers Hedrick] Give us something good to watch! Create a story through the use of unique style/angles/equipment (GoPro, film, drone, etc). For editing, we are looking for color correction, transitions, introduction to team, etc. Make sure you grab & keep our attention!
RIDING QUALITY – [judged by Gavin & Trent Stuckey] We will be looking for variation in tricks, clean landings, T’ed up hits, execution, grabbed tricks, no butt checks/hand drags. Make us proud!
Extra award categories include: Best trick, Best slam, Best grab, Standout video/transition technique, Best trick line, Best quote, Best clip from outside Terminus.
Teams get a 2 hour PRIVATE SESSION on the cable to shoot before we open to the public. Sessions are available first come first serve, and can be scheduled by emailing jackson@terminuswakepark.com